Category Archives: detox

Why I recommend Collagen Based Protein Powder?

It all started with what my GI system reject after drinking all different kinds of protein powder. Here’s Dr. Justin explains (10 min. video) well the benefits of Collagen Based Protein Powder. I carry Apex Energetics Collagen Based Protein Powder (berry and chocolate flavors) in my clinic. So far, nobody complains but receive all great […]

Tamie’s Breakfast – Shake, Yogurt, Porridge, and Juice

Tamie’s Energizing Smoothie It contains FULL OF FIBER, GOOD FAT and the just right amount of PROTEIN to get going w/o having a blood sugar crash (means not having a strong desire to have a cup of coffee and chocolate), and be able to keep your immune system up and running. I make a Ball Pint […]

Aloe for GI problems

Aloe juice can soothe your gut lining – it’s great to keep for a GI crisis. Visit the GI & Detox page for more information. There are so many aloe products in the market, but Aloe 1 is my favorite. You can put this aloe into the ice cube containers and freeze all and defrost as you […]

High ORAC Scale foods and extract

High ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) foods/extract & its benefits: Pomegranate Juice / Extract benefits – reduces risk of heart disease, improves sexual performance and fertility Cranberry Juice / Extract benefits – work as an antioxidant, urinary tract problems, minimize brain damage caused by stroke, prevent tooth decay Wild Blueberry Extract benefits – antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cognitive health – improve […]

About the OPC Family

OPC (Oligomeric Proantho-Ocyanidins) family —> Pine Bark (Pycnogenol), Grape Seed, Red Wine(Resveratrol), Bilberry and Citrus Bioflavonoids extract. These five antioxidants work together synergistically. Some antioxidants can regenerate other antioxidants. This is the nice snow ball effect. OPC has significant health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, anti-spasmodic, anti-coagulant actions and more. Pycnogenol is the king of OPC […]

About wheatgrass

40 benefits you get by just drinking 1-2 oz of wheatgrass everyday ! More Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice Wheatgrass and Fertility – is this worth taking it everyday ? Where can I get wheatgrass ? frozen (whole foods), powder, tablets or capsules. With online ordering you can buy directly from a wheatgrass grower. Do you know 3.5 oz of wheatgrass powder contains 514 mg of calcium […]