About Whole Wheat in the U.S.

This is the repeated question I receive every single week. The answer is “NO”. 100%. This is why.

This is the dark secret about what whole wheat contains:

#1. Amylopectin-1. This is an unusual type of “carbohydrate” found in wheat harvested in the U.S. which spikes blood sugar more than another carbohydrate like white potato does which often resulted in insulin resistance to pre-diabetes if you are eating toasts, cereals, muffins, pancakes repeatedly at the breakfast and sandwich for lunch and whole wheat pasta for dinner. Guess what happens to your blood sugar? Having the big swing of up and down roller coaster all day long. No wonder you crave for caffeine and something sweet to goes with when the blood sugar drops!

#2. Acrylamides – This is the carcinogenic chemicals form in the browned part of bread, cereals, french fries, muffins, and other browned starchy foods which often contain bromide (make the shelf-life longer) and soybean oil (least expensive inflammable oil often used for baking).

#3. The video you can watch about whole wheat -> Youtube video with the neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter interview with Fox News. You will NEVER touch whole wheat bread, pasta, pizza again. This is casual talk and easy to listen to.

#4. Read this article -> “The truth about the toxic wheat” – Huffington Post

#5. “Is bread different in Europe? – Lauren Deville ND

#6. “Is being Gluten-Intolerant an American problem? (with many reader’s comments you might be interested in to read if you are gluten sensitive) – Mother Earth News