Vagus Nerve Dysfunction

Brain-Gut Axis: 

What does this vagus nerve dysfunction meaning to you? If you have gut sensitivities, sensitivities to foods, autoimmunity, any inflammation, brain fog, mood disorder include anxiety and depression, you might get this nerve balanced first before taking pills. As an acupuncturist, I treat adrenal dysfunctional treatment (sympathetic nervous system dysfunction) when the patient is face-up position and vagus nerve treatment (parasympathetic nervous system) when the patient lays on the side or face down by stimulating each organ.

You might have butterflies in the stomach or had to go to the bathroom more than often before giving the speech. This is the example of the Brain-Gut Axis. What you think and feel are affecting the digestive system and vice versa. 90% of serotonin, one of the neurotransmitter, is produced in the gut, not in the brain we were told for many years. How about getting sweaty hands before the big exam? Have you heard the term “white coat syndrome”? The heart rate goes up when they are in the doctor’s office but once they leave the doctor’s office, their heart rate goes back to the normal range. These mysterious symptoms are not mysterious after all.

It is controlled by the long nerve called Vagus Nerve which connects the gut and brain (cranial nerve #10). The vagus nerve connects to both large and small intestines, kidneys, stomach, liver, and heart. Basically wandered around our organs to the brain and vice versa. This is the bidirectional effect that means guts affect the brain and the brain affects guts. What complicates the most is our guts hold more than 80% of the neurotransmitter, brain chemicals like serotonin. What if our gut is compromised by an overgrowth of bacterias, yeast, parasites, and fungus?

Do you think your mood, productivity, appetite, sleep quality, etc., are at the optimal level? Probably not even though you do not have any digestive symptoms. I am bringing up this topic here because I started seeing the pattern of patients come to see me often missed by various doctors and practitioners by not thinking about this important piece of the relationship of Brain-Gut Axis called Vagus Nerve Dysfunction. The following articles will explain well deeper than I just explained. Please read about it.


Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis to improve the stress response – Dr. Kara Fitzgerald N.D.

Vagus Nerve Clinic Youtube video – Dr. Stephanie Canestraro D.C.

Improving VAGAL TOME for better mental and emotional health – Dr. David Jockers

New Insights on Gut Permeability and Depression – Kelly Brogan, M.D.

Boost Up Dopamine for Motivation and Focus – Dr. David Jockers

A Vagus Nerve Survival Guide to Combat Fight-or-Flight Urges – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

Cortisol: Why the “Stress Hormone” is Public Enemy No.1? – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

How does the Vagus Nerve Convey Gut Instincts to the Brain? – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

The Vagus Verve May Carry Serotonin Along the Gut-Brain Axis – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces Inflammation – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

10 Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve – Nourishing Therapies

Vague Nerve Stimulation – Christopher Bergland (Psychology Today)

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve & Strengthen Vagal Tone – Paula Owens

Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain-Gut Axis in Psychiatric and IBD – PubMed

What you need to know about the Vagus Nerve – Zen Founder

Vasovagal-Syncope Vasovagal Response – Tina Shahian, Ph.D. (Innerbody)

Activate Your Vagus Nerve: Unleash Yoru Body’s Natural Ability to Heal (book)- Dr. Navaz Habib

Gut – Heart Axis (Gastric – Cardia Syndrome):

Many people have cardio-related illnesses like hypertension, atrial fibrillation, chest pain, sinus tachycardia or abnormal amount o PVC (premature ventricular contractions). Your cardiologist tests various tests and gives you the diagnosis or not able to find anything mechanically but what if there is the syndrome exists something to do with your gut? It has a name called “Roemheld syndrome” and again vagus nerve is tightly involved with this complicated syndrome which is hard to be diagnosed because the symptoms overwrap with many other diseases. I put links below for you to learn about this syndrome.



Vagus Nerve and Migraine:

Non-Invasive Nerve Stimulator Tamps Down Brainwaves that Cause Migraines & COVID-19 Use – IEEE Spectrum

Stimulator – GrammaCore Sapphire Device