Candida, Fungus, Bacterial & Yeast Overgrowth Articles

Edward Group

Ultimate Candida Diet Plan
Yeast infection and Bacterial Vaginosis
9 symptoms of a yeast infection
10 things you did not know about yeast infections 
Can lemon water detox your body?

The Candida Diet

Anything to do with Candida
Foods to avoid the Candida Diet
Candida Die-Off Symptoms and treatment

 Wellness Mama

Bentonite Clay 
Low stomach acid problems
What is Candida and how to know if you have it? 

The Whole Journey

Kick candida for good and lose weight
 A little science behind fungal infection and yeast overgrowth (Candidiasis)

Joseph Mercola

Antibiotic Resistant
The 50-year cover-up killing Millions

Body Ecology

The Candida Link: Hormonal Imbalance and the natural way to remedy PMS and improve health
Find out what this widespread reproductive disorder has to do with Candida! 
The largely unknown health epidemic affecting almost all Americans 
8 Candida red flags to watch out for
10 secrets for ending your sugar craving for good
Cleansing the body of Candida’s dangerous toxins 
2 signs of enzyme deficiency

Dr. Axe

The secret detox decoction  (video)
How to get rid of Candida through diet
Caprylic Acid: Fights candida, infections, and acne
MCT Oil – is this better than coconut oil?

Amy Myers

10 signs you have Candida Overgrowth and what to do about it
Why reversing autoimmune disease starts in the gut?

Jill Carnahan

Answers to your questions about candida infections
The hidden epidemic: Is yeast overgrowth destroying your health


Dr. Z Healing the gut with Essential Oils

Isabella Wentz  Candida and Hashimotos connection

Carolyn Dean The yeast connection:women at risk 

Lauricidin Supplement

Lactoferrin Supplement

Interface Plus Supplement 

Robb Wolf How to keep your poop where it belongs 

The healthy apple Candida Diet

Hotze Center Symptoms 

Ricki Heller Candida FAQ

The yeast connection Women at Risk

Dr. Jockers Conquer Candida Naturally

Hybrid rastamama 10 natural treatments for vaginal itching

Judy Cohain How to treat a vaginal infection with a clove of garlic  

Pamela Duff Natural cure for digestive issues 

Edward Group The benefits of I=Ozonated Olive Oil for Toenail Fungus

Ann Louise Gitterman The yeast cure primer

Jillian Teta Could it be Candida?

Healing Gourmet Candida Diet 

Bladder Infection Recovery Candida Albicans

Patrick Holford How to beat Candida

NY Times My no-soap, no-shampoo, bacteria rich hygiene experiment

Candida Crusher Treat the cause of your yeast infection and not the symptoms  (youtube)

Anti-Candida Program What is Candida? 

Whole Approach Candida Protocol and Diet

Candida Questionnaire 

The Vitamin Lady Candida Albicans

WholeHealth Chicago Candida Knowledge Base

Medical Insider The anti-Candida Diet

Mark Hyman Is hidden fungus making your ill?

Candida-Yeast infection relief Candia yeast infection relief

Capt Randall Cleanse, flush, sweat, mobilize, chelate, detox… and heal

BioHealth GI pathogen Test

Natural Health School Food Allergies and Leaky Gut