You can load up on fruits and vegetable easily, every morning, by making fresh juice or a smoothie. Juicing is one of the best ways to cleanse your body. Juicing not only delivers the best nutrition to your system, it helps flush out old toxins in the body. You do not need to prepare by […]
Category Archives: G.I.

Tamie’s Energizing Smoothie It contains FULL OF FIBER, GOOD FAT and the just right amount of PROTEIN to get going w/o having a blood sugar crash (means not having a strong desire to have a cup of coffee and chocolate), and be able to keep your immune system up and running. I make a Ball Pint […]
Drinking 1/2 lemon squeezed into 8 oz of room temperature water drink all day long have a significant benefit in your health. If you can do that the first in the morning, your liver will be very happy to get detoxed before it gets to work for 24 hours.
Castor Oil Pack is so easy, inexpensive detox, immune-boosting therapy you can easily perform at home in bed or while you are watching TV. Please take a look at the following sites to find the multiple benefits it offers. Where can I buy / which one do you recommend? Dr. Marisol ND’s Castor Oil and […]
Aloe juice can soothe your gut lining – it’s great to keep for a GI crisis. Visit the GI & Detox page for more information. There are so many aloe products in the market, but Aloe 1 is my favorite. You can put this aloe into the ice cube containers and freeze all and defrost as you […]
This is my trick. One heap tsp of Nutiva’s Coconuts Manna Butter+ two tsp of virgin coconuts oil + 1/2 tsp of New Zealand’s Manuka Honey + 1/2 tsp of carob powder or cocoa nibs. Mix all and munch. MCT oil you get from coconuts will burn your fat slowly and Manuka Honey will coat […]