Directions to Japanese Acupuncture Clinic
Japanese Acupuncture Clinic
Harrington Park Professional Building
394 Lowell Street, Ste #10
Lexington, MA 02420
If you are using GPS, type “390 Lowell Street”, you will find this building I am in. Our driveway (newly paved) is just next to the house with tall bushes. Otherwise, with 394, GPS will take you to the small shopping plaza behind us for some reason. I strongly suggest you read the directions before you start driving.
My clinic is located in the professional building just behind the small shopping plaza (Dunkin Donuts, My Cleaner, BOA) at the intersection of Lowell and Woburn street in Lexington. I am at the colonial building painted in dark gray color with 4 chimneys. It looks like somebody’s residence when you are driving by but it is very long and surprisingly has a huge parking lot at the end of the long driveway. My clinic door is the 2nd from the parking lot. There is a sign “Japanese Acupuncture Clinic, Tamie T. Bilazzo Lic. Ac., M.A.O.M.” by the front door. Please be aware of the fact that there are two acupuncture clinics located in the same complex at the 1st door. My clinic is located at the 2nd door!!! We have a spacious free parking lot which is not seen from the street.
from 128 / 95 North (from Burlington, Rt 93/95, Maine)
from 128 / 95 South (from Waltham, Newton, Mass Pike, South Shore, RI)
from Fresh Pond (Route) 2 and Alewife T, Belmont and Cambridge
from East Arlington / Medford area
from Winchester
from Woburn, Stoneham area
from Waltham, Weston area
from Concord / Acton / Boxborough / North Lincoln
from Boston, Charlestown, Somerville and Malden area
from Route 3 – Billerica / Chelmsford / Nashua, NH
from Bedford / Carlisle / Westford (from Bedford Road)
from IVF New England (Reproductive Science Center)
Direction from 128 / 95 North (from Burlington, Rt 93/95, Maine)
Take Exit 32B (Burlington Mall exit), and turn left onto Lowell Street at the end of the exit ramp. You are going away from the mall. Go under Route 128/95 and pass a shopping mall (with Market Basket) on the left. Proceed about 2 miles. When you reach the intersection with Dunkin Donuts, BOA ATM on the right, TD Bank, Ace Hardware, and Golden Paws on the left. Cross the intersection and take an “immediate” right into the driveway for the Harrington Park building. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from 128 / 95 South (from Waltham, Newton, Mass Pike, South Shore, RI)
Take Exit 30 (Rte 2A, Marrett Road), toward East Lexington. Continue on Marrett Road for approximately 2 miles until you reach Massachusetts Avenue (where Marrett Road ends). (You will pass the Natural History Museum on the left just before you reach Mass Ave.) Turn right onto Massachusetts Avenue, and then immediately turn left onto Maple Street (there is a gas station on the left.) At the first intersection on Maple street, turn left onto Lowell Street. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the first intersection. (If you pass Bank North on the right, you have gone too far.) We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Fresh Pond and Alewife T, Belmont and Cambridge (Route 2)
Take exit 58 (Park Avenue, Arlington Heights) and make a right onto Park Ave for 1 mile. You will come across the intersection with Mass Ave. Pass Gold Gym on the right side. The next intersection (Summer street in Arlington), you will make a left turn. You are heading in the direction of Burlington Mall. Keep going for 1.5 miles. Just before the second intersection (Golden Paws, Ace Hardware, TD Bank on the right, the small mall with Dunkin Donuts, MyCleaner on the left), you will see the small driveway. That is our driveway to the parking lot. If you passed the intersection, you need to turn around. The building has a “Harrington park” sign on. Please DO NOT TAKE route 2 exit 57 (route 4 leads to Wilson Farm intersection). This intersection is the nightmare during the rush hour time (4-7 pm), before the snowstorm and holiday season. I guarantee you will be in the traffic for a while.
Direction from East Arlington / Medford area
From Rt 2A (Mass Ave), Rt 16, or Rt 60, get on Summer Street, Arlington toward Lexington. Summer Street changes the name to Lowell Street in Lexington. You will drive by McClennen park on your right-hand side. The intersection of Maple Street & Winchester Road, and continue for approximately 1/4 mile. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the next intersection. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. If you passed Bank North on the right side, you went too far. The second door on the 1st floor, Suite 10.
Direction from Winchester
Take Johnson Road or Lexington Street toward Lexington to Lowell Street. We are located at the intersection of Woburn St. and Lowell St (TD Bank and Ace Hardware are on opposite corners). Turn left into the Harrington Park building. We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Woburn, Stoneham area
Take Montvale Ave from Stoneham or Lexington Street from Woburn towards Lexington. When you reach the intersection with TD Bank on the right and Ace Hardware on the left, turn left and then take an “immediate” right into the driveway for the Harrington Park building. We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Waltham, Weston area
Take Exit 27 (Totten Pond) or Exit 28 (Trapelo Road) and follow Totten Pond Road or Trapelo Road to Lexington Street, Waltham. Turn left onto Lexington Street, which becomes Waltham Street in Lexington. On Waltham St, cross under Rt 2 and then turn right onto Marrett Road. (There are a Dunkin Donuts and two gas stations at the intersection.) Continue on Marrett Road to Massachusetts Avenue (where Marrett Road ends). (You will pass the Natural History Museum on the left just before you reach Mass Ave.) Turn right onto Massachusetts Avenue, and then immediately turn left onto Maple Street (there is a gas station on the right.) At the first intersection, turn left onto Lowell Street. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the first intersection. (If you pass Bank North on the right, you have gone too far.) We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor. Please DO NOT TAKE route 2 exit 57 (route 4 leads to Wilson Farm intersection). This intersection is a nightmare during the rush hour time (4-7 pm), before the snowstorm and holiday season. I guarantee you will be in the traffic for a while.
Direction from Concord / Acton / Boxborough / North Lincoln (Route 2)
Take Route 2 to Exit 53 (Spring Street toward Lexington, pass the Shire on your left-hand side) and then turn right onto Marrett Road, OR take Route 2 to Route 2A (Marrett Road) toward East Lexington. Continue on Marrett Road for approximately 2 miles until you reach Massachusetts Avenue. (You will pass the Natural History Museum on the left just before you reach Mass Ave.) Turn right onto Massachusetts Avenue, and immediately turn left onto Maple Street (there is a gas station on the left.). Proceed about one mile on Maple Street, at the first intersection, turn left onto Lowell Street. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the first intersection. (If you pass Bank North on the right, you have gone too far.) We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Boston, Charlestown, Somerville and Malden area
Route #1
Take Route 93 North to Exit 32 onto Rte 60 in Medford. On the exit, stay in the left lane for Rte 60 (High Street). At the third rotary just after Mystic Lake, turn right onto Mystic Valley Pkwy, and follow that to 2A (Summer Street). Summer Street becomes Lowell Street in Lexington. You will drive by McClennen Park on your right-hand side. Cross the intersection of Maple Street and Winchester Road, and continue for approximately 1/4 mile. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the next intersection. We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. If you passed Bank North on the right side, you went too far. You will see the long driveway with Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The second door on the 1st floor,
Suite 10.
Route #2
Take Route 93 North to Exit 33 (South Border Road) to Winchester Center. Take Church Street and make a right on Route 3 and make a left onto Johnson Road (just before you hit Mahony’s Garden Center) to Winchester Drive. You will come across the busy intersection with Lowell Street. Make a right to Lowell Street. Harrington Park will be on your left side just before hit the first intersection.
Route #3
Take Route 93 to Route 128 South, and take Exit 32A (Burlington Mall exit), and turn left onto Lowell Street at the end of the exit ramp. Go under Route 128/95 and pass a shopping mall (with Market Basket) on the left. Proceed about 2 miles. When you reach the intersection with TD Bank, Ace Hardware, and Golden Paws on the left and a small strip mall on the right-hand side, cross the intersection and take an immediate left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Billerica / Chelmsford / Nashua, NH (Route 3)
Take Rte 3 South to the end and turn left onto Lowell Street (you will be driving AWAY from Burlington Mall). You will pass a shopping mall (with Market Basket) on the left. Proceed about 2 miles. When you reach the intersection with TD Bank, Ace Hardware, and Golden Paws on the left and a small strip mall on the right-hand side, cross the intersection and take an “immediate” right into the driveway for the Harrington Park building. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor. If you hit Maple street & Winchester Drive intersection, you went too far.
Direction from Bedford / Carlisle / Westford (from Bedford Road)
Take Bedford Rd to Lexington Center. Pass the Minuteman Statue and the intersection with Waltham Street at the Lexington downtown (very small), and turn left onto Woburn Street. (There is a Dunkin Donuts on the left corner). Proceed Maple Street for a mile, turn right at the first intersection (The landmark – Ace Hardware and TD Bank are across the street and Dunkins Donuts, My Cleaner, BOA are on the right side.) Take an immediate right into the driveway for the Harrington Park building. Just behind “My Cleaner”, you will see the long driveway. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.
Direction from Boston IVF
Route #1
Get on Route 95 north, get off Burlington Mall exit, drive toward to Lexington, Arlington for a few minutes. You will pass the big shopping mall with Market Basket on your left side. After passing the 6th intersection, make “immediate” RIGHT to the Harrington Park “394” Lowell Street driveway.
Route #2 (backroad)
Go over Rt 95 and make a left to Wyman Street changes to Spring Street in Lexington (you will go over route 2) and make a Right to Marrett Road (Route 2A) for approximately 0.5 miles until you reach Massachusetts Avenue. (You will pass the Natural History Museum on the left just before you reach Mass Ave.) Turn right onto Massachusetts Avenue, and then immediately turn left onto Maple Street (there is a gas station on the left.) At the first intersection on Maple street, turn left onto Lowell Street. Then, turn left into the driveway for the Harrington Park building, just before the first intersection. (If you pass TD Bank on the right, you have gone too far.) We are located directly across the street from the big blue “Golden Paws” sign. You will see the long driveway from Lowell Street. Colonial light grey colored building with blue window shutters. The building has 4 chimneys. The clinic is Suite 10 on the 1st floor.