HIIT exercise benefit, Fiber intake for your weight loss

This simple exercise is showing the medically positive outcomes  (this is just one example) in many studies lately.


Simple HIIT exercise

#1: 10 squat + rest 10 seconds x 6 sets

#2: Assume you are in the first floor, go downstairs and go upstairs and back to the first floor – 1 set, take 10 seconds resting time and x 6 sets.

#3. Stationery Bike 30 seconds run as fast as you can and 10 seconds resting break x 6 sets

#4. Push ups or sit ups x 10 repetitions + rest for 10 seconds x 6 sets

#5. Jumping Jack 10 times, rest for 10 seconds x 6 sets


If you would like to lose weights, do HIIT exercise within 30 min after you wake up to stabilize the cortisol (stress hormone) level.

Lunch time, remember not to start working (desk work) right away after finishing your lunch but move at least 5 min.

*** Fiber intake***

In the morning (30 min before you eat breakfast) (inulin 1 tsp + glucommanan 1/4 tsp with 4 oz of water – mix quick and drink and another 4 oz of water after that). Sun fiber + flax seeds mix before you eat dinner to curb your food intake.


  • Glucommanan becomes like very thick substance within 30 seconds adding water. Take it in quick and wash down with extra 4 oz of water.