I have a variety of cutting-edge Functional Medicine Testing (urine, saliva, stool, breath, and hair sample) available at the clinic.
5 Lab Tests your doctor isn’t ordering – Kelly Brogan M.D.
Nutritional Biomarkers
Impact Overall Mental and Physical Well-Being
Metabolomix+ (Metabolism):
- Genova Diagnostics – It includes the Organic Acid Test described above. Very similar to ION panel and NutrEval. This is the urine sample and dried blood spot to test organic acids, amino acids, oxidative stress, and as add on markers, they have choices of fatty acids profile, toxic elements (heavy metal) profile, and genomics profile. No blood draw necessary. You can collect urine samples at home and for fatty acid profile (Omega3, 6, 7, and 9), I am able to help you to prick your finger to get the dried blood spot test done in my clinic. Sample Test
Organic Acid Test (OAT):
- US BioTek OAT and Environmental Toxin Pollutant Combo Panel – these two panels connect dots for many of my patients. Take a look at the sample test. I use this lab a lot because they have amazing technical consultation support doctors. Sample: OAT + ENV Full Report. I often Candida IgG+IgA+IgM+Candida Antigen Panel (Ig stands for Immunoglobulin. IgG is a slow response to the antigens) as the add-on test. This is the dry blood spot test I can do for my patient in my clinic or the patient can do at home. A dried urine sample test offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health. Visualize the scene you are flushing the toilet but it is just not flushing but backing up. It is often the “stucked” object somewhere inside the drainage pipe. The human body is similar to this case but more complicated by all the chemicals are stucked in the liver which affects the various nervous systems and hormonal pathways which are not only physical issues but more systemic problems. Former engineer speaking, this test will find out the software issue. The test to find out which codes are messed up and where. It is much more complicated than replacing hardware which is not working properly. It provides an accurate evaluation of what’s coming in, what’s coms out, and what’s should come out but staying in the body because the liver is overburdened by toxins or the lack of nutrients (see the chart below). Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue, and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine. The cause of these high levels could include oral antibiotic use, high sugar diets, immune deficiencies, acquired infections, as well as genetic factors. OAT also includes markers for vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, and is the only OAT to include markers for oxalates, which are highly correlated with many chronic illnesses. If abnormalities are detected using the OAT, treatments can include supplements, such as vitamins and antioxidants, or dietary modification. Upon treatment, patients and practitioners have reported significant improvement such as decreased fatigue, regular bowel function, increased energy and alertness, increased concentration, improved verbal skills, less hyperactivity, and decreased abdominal pain. The OAT is strongly recommended as the initial screening test. This test also measures how you are metabolizing Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates you eat every day. Please see the chart below (Stage I).
- Metabolomix+ mentioned above contains Organic Acid Test as well.
What NUTRIENTS your liver needs to detoxify all the toxins coming in from your mouth, nose, and skin?

- OAT – Genova (SAMPLE REPORT) for patient’s health issues are not only neurological but all possibly from poor detoxification in the liver or malnutrition in certain vitamins. This test offers the very well-categorized testing markers as the section of Metabolism, B-complex, Methylation cofactor, Neurotransmitter (brain function), Oxidative Damage, Antioxidant, Detoxification Indicators, and they have a section for Bacterial, Yast/Fungai. This is the Genova Diagnostics Lab’s Organic Acid Test site and the Sample Test.
- OAT – Great Plains Lab– I use OAT from GPL only when I would like to find out the“oxalate” level. Oxalate is often the hidden cause of many chronic illnesses. Please take a look at the Oxalate Toxicity page. Please visit this site to see the sample report from Great Plains Lab., OAT brochure, and clinical significance explains every 70 markers.
- MOAT – Microbial Test will cover the “Reason #1, #2, and #3” on this list which I believe very important portion of Organic Acid Test. Sample Test HERE. This portion of organic acids test indicates the metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. I am particularly interested in finding the patient has the harmful bacteria called “Clostridia Species”. This is the great test I run with GI-MAP (stool test) covering the entire pipe (esophagus to the anus) in our body.
ION Profile:
- Genova Diagnostics – This is the ultimate complete functional medicine test. Dr. Dan Kalish at Kalish Institute run 4 months long practitioner training course for just this lab test’s interpretation. That’s how complicated to just interpret this test is! This is one of my favorite tests to run because I am able to find so many things about the patient’s health.
- Organic Acid Test listed above
- 40 Amino Acids includes Neurotransmitters, Sulfur, Ammonia markers
- Nutrient markers include Erythrocytes,(Potassium, Magnesium Calcium, Zinc, Copper, and Selenium)
- Toxic Elements markers include Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury
- CoQ10, Vitamin A, D, and E, Oxidative Stress, and Homocysteine inflammatory marker
- Fatty Acid Profile includes Omega 3, 6, 9, Saturated, Trans Fat, and the ratios.
- This is the blood and the urine sample test. Sample Test and the detailed description. (what advantage does an ION Profile offer?)
- These are the YouTube videos Dan Kalish DC explains the benefits of running ION panel:
- Genova Diagnostics – This is also the blood and the urine sample test to evaluates antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support. A very comprehensive test for identifying nutritional deficiencies and insufficiencies. Sample Test and the description. This is the blood and urine sample test. This test is very similar to Metabolomix+ Panel. It contains Vitamin D marker.
Micronutrient Test:
- SpectraCells Laboratory – a blood test – This is the test to measure the nutrient deficiency at the intracellular level, not the extracellular level measured by the blood test at the doctor’s office. Intracellular measurement is a critical factor for determining nutrient absorption, transport, and utilization level. Remember, Metabolism occurs inside of cells! This is Preventive Functional Medicine Testing to avoid catastrophic diseases cripple our life. (sample test report). I recommend this test for anybody who had GI issues, low immunity issues, mental, neurological issues. The chances are no matter how clean you eat, your cells in the body are NOT getting the nutrients. The normal blood test you get from your doctor’s office is testing your blood level only extracellular level. SpectraCells has an extensive webinar library. Please take a look at it.

GastroIntestinal BioMarkers
GI Test (Large Intestines & Stomach):
- GI-MAP TEST – Diagnostic Solutions – one-day stool sample test – is like DNA Stool Analysis. This is the most cutting-edge GI testing available since 2016. It will detect pathogens includes bacterias, parasites, yeast, fungus, and the markers for leaky gut (zonulin), inflammation, digestion, and immune response markers as well. H.Pylori Marker only test is also available. – Sample Test, Resource Page (webinars, podcasts, videos) & White Paper, Interpretive Guide
- Genova Diagnostics 2200 GI Effects Complete – 1 or 3 days stool sample test – Sample Test, and Interpretation Guide. This is a very comprehensive test to find out what’s going on in your GI and GI-Brain Axis. H.Pylori marker is available as an add-on.
Candida Yeast/Fungus:
- US BioTek – Candida IgA and IgG antibodies Panel – dried blood spot test.
- Genova Diagnostic Lab – Organic Acid Test has Bacteria, Yeast and Fungus Panel but not parasites.
- Vibrant Wellness – Gut Zoomer – Gut Microbiome and Intestinal Permeability testing with Cardiovascular, Autoimmune, Metabolic, and Nutrition Panel along with Yeast, Fungus, Bacteria, and Parasite findings.
- Great Plains Lab – Microbial Test will cover the “Reason #1, #2, and #3” on this list which I believe very important portion of Organic Acid Test.
Intestinal Barrier Test (Leaky Gut):
- Dunwoody Labs – Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment Test – blood test – Histamine, Diamine Oxidase (body’s primary enzyme for breaking down ingested histamine), Zonulin (the tight junction openings – leaky gut if too much opening – in the small intestine, and Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels which identify how our immune system is functioning.
- Genova Diagnostic Lab – Intestinal Permeability Assessment Test – assess small intestinal absorption and barrier function in the bowel.
SIBO Test (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth):
- Genova Diagnostic Lab – The 3-hour SIBO Breath Test offers insight into gas both Hydrogen and Methane levels over a longer period of time which will be helpful in patients with slower transit. You can do it at your home and send it out with FedEx. I found more activities occur at the end of the small intestines means 2 hours past in this test. SIBO video to watch.
Food Sensitivity BioMarkers
Food Sensitivity Test
- Vibrant Wellness Food Sensitivity, Wheat Zoomer, Dairy Zoomer, and Additives Zoomer etc.
- US BioTek Lab – 209 Food Panel; IgA/IgG/IgG4 – you can pick and choose 1, 2, or 3 antibodies -> Sample Report
- Great Plain Laboratory – “IgG Food Allergy + Candida albicans” and S. cerevisiae Test (Blood Spot Test)\
- Alcat’s Comprehensive Food Panel
- MRT (Mediator Release Test) Food and Chemical Panel
Hormonal BioMarkers
Hormone Test:
- Precision Analytical –
- DUTCH Test – Dried urine metabolite test – their hormones-related webinar site here.
- DUTCH Complete Sample Test and Collection Instructions video.
- Sara Gottfried M.D., Dr. Joseph Mercola‘s reviews. This is the most comprehensive hormone testing. Dutch Complete covers:
- Cortisol Panel (stress hormone) – waking, morning, afternoon, and night cortisol – total, free, and metabolized cortisol
- Hormone Panel:
- Progesterone Metabolites – a-pregnanediol, b-pregnanediol
- Estrogens Metabolites – E1, E2, E3, 2-OH-E1, 4-OH-E1, 16-OH-E1, and COMT methylation level
- Androgens Metabolites – Testosterone, ta-DHT, 5a-Androstanediol and 5b-Androstanediol
- DHEA Metabolites – DHEA-S (Sulfate) marker
- Neurotransmitter (brain hormones) markers:
- Melatonin marker
- Homovanillate (HVA) marker for the metabolite of Dopamine
- Vanilmandelate (VMA) marker for the metabolite of Norepinephrine an epinephrine
- Methylmalonate marker for Vitamin B12 which is superior to measure serum B12 level
- Xanthurenic marker for Vitamin B6 level which is strongly influenced by the high level of estrogen and cortisol level. Xanthurenic can bind to Iron and create a complex that increases DNA oxidate damage
- Pyroglutamate marker for Glutathione which is the most potent antioxidant in the human body. We need high Glutathione in our body to protect against cancer, and be able to get rid of the toxic burden.
- Genova Diagnosis –
- Complete Hormones – Estrogen, Testosterone, DHEA – either morning only or 24 hours urine sample testing
- Essential Estrogens – E1 Estrone, E2 Estradial, E3 Estriol only testing – urine test
Cycle Mapping Test (Irregular, Non-Ovulatory Cycles and PCOS)
- Cycle Mapping Test – ZRT Laboratory – (Dry Urine Testing – Cycle Mapping Testing) Start testing at day 7 on your cycle, often used combining with fertility and/or neurotransmitter profile test. This is a very useful test to find out the cycle rhythm (pattern), and also find out the timing of your ovulation.
- DUTCH Cycle Mapping Sample Test = Dutch Complete + Cycle Mapping => used for any menstruation-related issues + PCOS
- Cycle Mapping Test – DiagnosTechs – (Saliva Testing) – Female Hormone Panels (1 month – 11 saliva samples) I use this test for patients who come to see me for PCOS, irregular periods, heavy period, short cycle, no ovulation signs and symptoms, and infertility. Start testing on day 3 on your cycle.
Adrenal Panel Test (Stress Hormone Cortisol & DHEA):
- Precision Analytical Lab – They have the stand along
- DUTCH Adrenal Panel Sample Test (1st page of DUTCH Complete) and it is Included in Dutch Complete and Cycle Mapping Plus Dried Urine Testing *** the most reliable testing method to test how your two hormones both cortisol and melatonin are doing in 24 hours circadian rhythm. Adrenal Stress Test is 4 samples and the Adrenal Stress Test with CAR is 4 dried urine samples with 2 urine samples taken upon awakening within 30 min.
- ZRT Laboratory – Saliva Adrenal Stress Testing (4 Cortisol samples)
- Genova Diagnostics – Saliva Testing (4 samples)
Neurotransmitter Test:
- ZRT Laboratory – Urine sample testing for Neurotransmitter markers, Free Cortisol, Cortisone, Melatonin, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine markers. Sample Test.
- Sanesco Neuro Testing Lab – Cortisol is saliva testing but everything else is urine sample testing. As the name implies, they only test hormones, nothing else. Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Nor-Epinephrine, Epinephrine, Creatinine, and Neurotoxic Glutamate level.
- Dunwoody Labs – is another lab I use.
Fertility Profile Test:
- ZRT Lab – Blood Spot Test – NOT required to go to get your blood drawn – Includes 24 hours cortisol, female hormones, Thyroid panel – Free T4, T3, TSH, and TPO antibodies (Reverse T3 is not included). Sample Test.
Toxic Chemicals BioMarkers
Heavy Metal Urine Test:
- Vibrant Wellness Heavy Metal Panel
- GreatPlainLabs – 24 hours urine test for Heavy Metal –Sample Report Here (I use apple pectin powder + iodine – the option” as a chelation/ provoking agent)
- Dunwoody Labs – 24 hours urine test for Heavy Metal (not include trace mineral panel) – Sample Report Here
Mycotoxin (mold) Test:
- Vibrant Wellness Mycotoxins Panel
- Great Plain Lab – This test screens for seven different mycotoxins, from 40 species of mold (explanations), in one urine sample. Please take a look at the Sample Report.
- Great Plain Lab’s article about the different kinds of mycotoxins (blog)
Glyphosate Test:
- Glyphosate Profile Testing – Sample Report Here
Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile (environmental chemical):
- Vibrant Wellness Environmental Toxins Panel
- Great Plain Lab – 172 different environmental pollutants (explanations) using 18 different metabolites, all from a single urine sample. Sample Report Here
Airborne Allergy Test:
- Dunwoody Labs – Airborne Allergy Antigen test – a blood test – for people who often have a headache, congestion, allergic rhinitis, sneezing, itchy & watery eyes, or asthma. The test markers include molds, weeds, trees, crops, grasses, and environmental allergen like dog & cat hair, dust mite etc…
- MicrobiologyDX Lab – Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci is antibiotic-resistant staph that resides deep in the nasal passage. Often those suffering from Biotoxin illness and CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) and CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome). This is the easy cotton swab nasopharyngeal collection test.
Oxidative Stress Panel Test:
- Dunwoody Labs – Advanced Oxidative Stress Test – a blood test – contains Glutathione (the primary antioxidant found within cells), F2-Isoprostane (an indicator for cellular membrane health), 8-OHdG (an indicator of poor DNA and mitochondrial health), and Creatinine (how the kidneys are eliminating the toxins from the body) markers.
Auto-Antibodies w/Neurological Autoimmunity BioMarkers
- Vibrant Wellness – Neural Zoomer Plus (serum testing) – here are the details.
Hair Analysis Testing
- Analytical Research Labs
Mineral Interactions
Hair sample test. Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and the use of chemicals in the industry is a growing threat to our health and the development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage.
A Metals Hair Test is ideal for checking current exposure to toxic metals. Hair provides important information that can assist the practitioner with an early diagnosis of physiological disorders associated with aberrations in essential and toxic element metabolism. For more information about each mineral and heavy metals, please visit -> Mercury, Aluminum, Chromium, Magnesium, Selenium. This is another test that required the trained practitioners to get correctly interpreted the test result.
Nutrigenomic Testing (Genetics – SNPs)
Nutrigenomic Testing (SNPs):
- Please visit this page to learn what Nutrigenomic Testing is useful for. (SAMPLE TEST) Saliva Test. Once the test result comes back, I will have a consultation session with my patients.
- Strategenes – This is the upgraded genetic testing from Ben Lynch. N.D. If you are my patient (or going to be my patient) and interested into test this kit, please let me know. I will be able to email the sample test to you.
Viral Infection Testing
Lyme Disease Test
- IGeneX Inc. – used for Lyme Disease Experts. Much more reliable (much lower false negative, false positive than ELISA or W. Blot testing) You may visit his website to learn the basic herbal approach to treat Lyme disease – Dr. Stephen Harrod Burner and his book “Healing Lyme – Natural Healing of Lyme Disease”. Blood Test.
Viral Panel (Epstein Barr Virus)
- Dunwoody Labs – Americal Clinical Laboratories – a blood test – This test will show five blood markers –susceptible, acute infection, convalescent, chronic or old infection.
Immune Response Cytokine / Genomics Testing
Immune Response Test:
- Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory – Cytokine Response Profile – a blood test to find out the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels. I believe this is the only panel to test all Th1, Th2, Th17, and T-regulatory cytokine response markers. Sample Report.
ImmunoGenomic Profile”
- Genova Lab Genovations – ImmunoGenomic Profile – At home Buccal Swab (cotton swabs) Test – Autoimmune, Allergy, Atopy, Asthma, or any immune-deficiency/hyperactive responses to allergens and foods, this is the test for you to run. It contains the immune markers for Chronic Inflammation (IL-ib), TH-1 Cytokine (TNF-a), and TH2 Cytokines (IL-4, 6, 10, and 13). Sample Report.
Cardio Testing
Cardio-Vascular Test:
- Genova Laboratory – CV Health – is a cardiovascular risk assessment test beyond LDL and HDL but tests Independent risk factors like hs-CRP, LP-PLAs, Fibrinogen, Homocysteine inflammatory markers as well as the size of LDL, VLDL, and HDL. You may add on the genetic markers triggers CV health and blood coagulation like APOE, MTHFR, Factor II, and Factor V. Sample Test
Cardio-Metabolic Test:
- SpectraCells Laboratory – a blood test -This is the complete panel that combines the markers from Metabolic Risk, Cardiovascular Risk, and Inflammation Markers. You need to bring the kit along with the requisition form to the local ARC or the clinic listed on the SpectraCells Lab page to get the blood drawn. The result comes back to me to go over with you. Testing the fasting glucose and A1C blood test only once a year for your physical check-up will not prevent you from developing insulin resistance, prediabetes, diabetes to the catastrophic stroke to the heart attack. SpectraCells has an extensive webinar library. Please take a look at it. I recommend this test to anybody who is over 50 years old.
- Dunwoody Laboratory – Advanced Cardio Panel (Boston Heart Diagnostics)
Lab Testing
Blood Test at the local Quest Lab:
I will be able to request the blood test for you. It will bypass insurance but often my patients found cheaper than going to see the doctors who are limited for what they can run for you. Here is the fee for the markers I run often. The blood draw fee at Quest Lab is $8-.
- Free T4 + Free T3 + Reverse T3 + TSH ($69-)
- Free T4 + Free T3 + TSH + TPO ($47-)
- TPO + Anti TB + Free T3 ($34-)
- TPO + Thyroglobulin Antibodies ($44-)
- Free T3 only ($13-)
- Reverse T3 only ($29-)
- Total Testosterone for Female ($35-)
- Testosterone, Total and Free and Sex Hormone Bind Globulin for Male ($46-)
- Homocysteine – inflammation due to poor methylation ($23) * This is the great article about the “homocysteine” marker.
- Ferritin – iron storage marker ($7-)
- Ferritin + Iron TIBC ($17-)
- B12 + Folate ($14-)
- Vitamin D ($23-) * Vitamin D article
- Insulin ($13-)
- A1C + Fasting Glucose + Fasting Insulin ($52-)
- Leptin ($45-)
- Fasting Insulin ($26-)
- C-RP – general inflammation marker ($29-)
- C-RP + Homocysteine ($53-)
- Total and Free Testosterone and Sex Hormone Bind Globulin ($57-)
- Liver Health Basic Plus – Bilirubin, CBC, CMP, GGT, LD and Lipid Panel ($78-)
- Anemia Health w/ C-RP ($75-)
- CBC ($8-)
- CMP -Complete Metabolic Panel ($9-)
- Lipid Panel + CMP ($39-)
- Lipid Panel ($9-)
- Adv. Cardiovascular Basic Plus with insulin, Lipo Protein (a) ($167-)
- Kidney Basic Panel (79-)
- PSA Total and Testosterone, Total for Males ($44-)
- Liver Basic Panel ($69-)