I began seeing Tamie for stress relief about 6 months ago. I started acupuncture on a weekly basis and saw great results after the first month. Not only do I walk out of the sessions feeling 10 times better than I did when I walked in but also throughout the day. Tamie teaches you how to use the pressure points […]

I have been receiving treatments from Tamie for about nine months-the duration of my pregnancy. I suffer from a sore shoulder and neck due to a bad car accident from nine years ago. Her treatments and thoughtful care have improved my condition greatly and the treatments will continue to alleviate the pain even more after I give birth, as […]
My husband and I first met Tamie when she was still a student at the New England School of Acupuncture. We received eleven sessions of treatment; but after only the first few we experienced significant relief from the pain of arthritis. An additional benefit was that there were no side effects, unlike the side effects that […]
I am a 53 years old Japanese male. I have suffered from mild neuropathy on the left leg and the left arm since I was 40 years old. I have had many tests done at the neurology departments at major hospitals but they could not find anything wrong. I went to see chiropractors as well. The symptoms […]
When I started seeing Tamie for acupuncture treatment in February, 2006, I had been suffering from chronic fatigue disorder and fibromyalgia since 2000. 10 minutes standing was also my limit ! I would get so shaky, so exhausted and painful that I would almost panic – as if, if I didn’t literally LIE DOWN immediately I would die, or […]
Tamie is great! Her acupuncture skills helped me with lower back pain from surgery and with improving my overall energy. She is sensitive and understanding, and is very knowledgeable.”
She provides superb services. She has excellent listening skills that enable her to identify the problem and effective treatments. She cares about each individual patient and constantly demonstrates knowledge and expertise.
The summer of 2007, I had my first acupuncture treatment with Tamie. It certainly was one of the best experiences of my life. I had been suffering from chronic fatigue disorder, IBS, migraine headache, sleep disorder plus aches and pains almost all over my body as the result of fibromyalgia. When I heard of Tamie from my […]
I am a 12 years old figure skater. I first went to Tamie for a sprained ankle before a major tournament. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but after seeing such dramatic improvement, I returned for back pain, anxiety, knee pain, leg pain, spinal pain, breathing problems and any other times I needed help. She has […]
Tamie has treated me every week for the past year and a half. My treatment is the most relaxing hour of my week. No matter what my complaint is – itchy eyes, a cold, low energy, high stress, abdominal discomfort, mid back spasm, wrist pain, sore back muscle, headache, exhaustion … Tamie has the solution and […]