The Hibix-7 is a non-insertion technique designed to find points for acupuncture insertion and to provide mild electro-acupuncture treatment. With the patient holding the grounding rod, I use the probe (which is powered by a 9-volt battery) to locate acupuncture points. The meter and a clicking sound will indicate when the acupuncture points are located. The probe automatically administers a low electro-acupuncture treatment, or the acupuncturist may suggest placing an acupuncture needle or tack at the point.
Teishin and Drum Roller
This gentle, non-insertion therapy used for babies, children and needle-phobic adults and teenagers. I use two tools, a Teishin (A needle-like instrument or probe that does not penetrate the skin), and a Drum Roller (a rolling head with pyramid-shaped spikes to provide stimulation).