Top 5 Endocrine Disruptors

“Top 5 Endocrine Disruptor”
I will add more but these are the top 5 I want you to be aware of.



  • Hormone disruptor – #3 – 1, 4-Dioxane commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products which listed ingredients as “Polysorbates, Polyetheiene glycol, Polyethylene, Polyoxyethylene”


  • Hormone disruptor – #4 – BHT (Butylated Hydroxy-Toulaene) is often added to foods as preservatives and also used in costemics, It is also known as a stablizer in pesticides, gasoline, lubricats,
    and soaps. Do you eat cereal ? Please check the ingredients list. (and if you have a dog, read this!)