Why the cereal like Froot Loops sold in the U.S. contain so many toxic chemicals but not in U.K. and other European countries? Most of people in the U.S. do not aware that. I believe this comparison because I use Nivea cream (the originally formulated in Germany) on my face and hands for many years. I run out of it the other day and I found it online (Amazon). I noticed the big differences in the ingredients Nivea cream purchased in the U.S. (manufactured in Mexico) vs purchased in Japan (manufactured in Japan). Why do we need to use so many toxic chemicals? Back in 1980, I worked at Nestle Japan. I do remember the ingredients into the chocolate bars, chicken soup, to the baby formulas. I even visited their headquarters Vevey in Switzerland. Now in 2019, comparing their ingredients sold in the U.S. vs Europe and Japan are again very different. When it comes to the baby formula like “Good Start Gentle Infant Formula” (click nutrition and ingredients) , who will give this toxic chemical soup to the newborn? People just do not know how to read the labels? The Good Question here!!!
It seems Froot Loops Cereal is one of the most popular cereal followed by Honey-O Cheerios for the kid in the U.S. This is NOT good. Please check the following articles if you are purchasing this cereal for breakfast. Think twice!
“We now know Kellogg’s Fruit Leeps are 100% GMO, but did you ask to know that all 4 food dyes in the cereal are banned in other countries because they were found to be unsafe? Red 40 causes ADHD & Cancer, Blue 2 causes ADHD & Asthma, Blue 1 causes Allergic reactions and Cancer and Yellow 6 causes ADHD and Cancer”. – Dr. Joseph Marcola’s Facebook
Froot loops come to the UK. I compare with the US version.
Froot Loops vs. Healthy Cereals
Kellogg’s Froot Loops tests positive for GMO and Weedkiller

Another kid’s favorite cereal, Trix from General Mills contains Artificial dyes made from Petroleum, Yellow Dye #6 and Red #40 link to hyperactivity in Children, Blue Dye #1 link to the potential for neurotoxicity and GMO corns contaminated with Roundup herbicide, a probable Carcinogen – from Food Babe Facebook page.
I had a new patient brought her 13 years old son who came to the U.S. from Sydney, Australia 4 years ago started noticing the fact he started not able to focus at the school, often irritable, fatigue all day long, and hungry all the time. Upon the intake, when we were going over his daily routine which started with the typical breakfast. His mom said my son eat Froot Loops because all his classmate eats it. After showing what’s in the box, he was willing to change to the healthier breakfast. He started drinking the collagen-based chocolate flavored shake with MCT powder, blueberries, and sun fiber and magnesium. It takes only 2 weeks to go back to the way he felt in 4 years ago. He has never needed the ADHD medication.