Every day, patients contact me asking, “Why don’t I feel well?” Patients tell me they haven’t felt well in 6 months, a years, 2 years or more – “What’s going on, Tamie?”

There are so many reasons why you don’t feel well,  and it is often due to reasons that you might not think of. There are four major areas I look at – I call them the 4 Pillars:

  • Adrenal Fatigue –  these are issues with blood sugar, or cortisol. It is very likely tied to Thyroid Issues.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues/Detox – if your liver becomes fatigued and stops methylating, if can cause a variety of problems
  • Food Sensitivities – sensitivities such as gluten, eggs, dairy, soy, corn, oxalic food (swiss chard, spinach and beets greens), and foods high in histamines are often be the cause of major issues. Many supplements can also contain these substances, which can cause problems.
The Four Pillars
  • Lack of Nutrition Knowledge – Trying to figure out what you really need by surfing online is not easy. Much of the information online is so confusing, it’s hard to find out what you really need to know. Not many people are able to afford seeing and MD to find the right supplements, a Dietitian to learn more about healthier foods, an Athletic Trainer to develop an exercise routine to maximize your health, and sometimes and Osteopath or Chiropractor to fix acute problems – why are we seeing so many specialists? I think the problem is front line: the average Medical Doctor (your PCP) is only required to study NUTRITION for 19.6 hours over the 6+ years of Medical School. Often, doctors focus their studies on drugs, anatomy and physiology, but not nutrition and diet. I studied two entire semesters full of nutrition class during 4 years acupuncture graduate school, much longer than the most of MD’s nutritional education. No wonder my patients came to see me with a bagful of supplements, and not only not feeling better, but feeling worse. It’s especially frustrating when fertility patients are directed to the local drug stores to buy prenatal vitamins because “they are all same.” What if medical students had more nutrition and supplementation education? I will elaborate the following topics soon. These are the ROOT of ROOT cause of many of the “chronic” symptoms.