Everything That You Need to Know About Allergies (IgE)

While a change in scenery and different seasons are enjoyed by a lot of people around the world, for many of us it means just one thing—pollen. What’s more, there are even those who are allergic to certain foods and have to be on the continuous lookout and carefully pick their meals.

Allergies affect people on the regular. For example, more than 50 million people a year are affected by allergies in the US alone. They occur when our immune system reacts to an unknown substance, such as pet dander, bee venom, or as we’ve mentioned, pollen.

Even though allergies aren’t harmful to us, our body mistakes them and perceives them as such. As a result, our body reacts by producing antibodies to protect us. However, these reactions are often followed by the release of different chemicals in our systems, such as histamine, which causes the inflammation of the skin, airways, digestive system, and sinuses.

Sometimes, the symptoms followed by an allergic reaction are mild, like sneezing after getting in touch with pollen. Albeit somewhat annoying to deal with, reactions like these won’t impact your day all too much. However, the severity of the reaction varies, and quite often severe reactions to food allergies or insect stings can be life-threatening.

These reactions are known as anaphylaxis, and they can cause your body to go into shock. The symptoms often include skin rash, weak pulse, vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath. If you experience symptoms like these after getting in touch with a substance that you are allergic to, it is recommended that you immediately dial your local emergency number and seek medical help.

Please check the Food Sensitivity & Intolerance Page Food Sensitivity & Intolerance for any food-related allergy you may have. Wheat, Dairy, Eggs, Oat, etc… you probably do not know the symptoms you are experiencing might be caused by what you are eating. For Food Sensitivity & Food Intolerance Level testing, I use US BioTek Lab’s 209 Food Panel: IgA/IgG/IgG4

If you would like to learn more about different types of allergies, symptoms, and also how to prevent and treat allergies, you can check out the infographic below.

Infographic URL: https://disturbmenot.co/allergy-statistics-infographic/