Believe or not, you lose extra weight by shedding systemically colonized yeast and fungus in the gut and other area!

You may read Danielle’s review. She lost 30 LB within 3 months by just shedding yeast and fungus overgrowth.
Are you having ear pain, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), feeling irritable for no reason, brain fog, diagnosed as ADHD, the decline in your eyesight, sugar craving, have to have a coffee in the morning, deteriorated gum in the mouth, more ache and pain ever before, easy to get cold, respiratory issues, for women – changes in your cycles, diagnosed as PCOS, thick yellowish discharge during the ovulation, for men – diagnosed as low in testosterone (Free Testosterone level is low), heart palpitation, weight gain, changes in the taste and smell, recurrent sinusitis, migraine headaches, constipation, sweet smell or turbid color in urine, the chances are very likely you have yeast/fungus overgrowth.
Candida is a fungus, a type of yeast, and a tiny amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Candida aids in digestion and nutrient absorption but, when overproduced, it can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, destroying it and creating a syndrome called intestinal hyperpermeability or “leaky gut.” This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression. It can also cause new sensitivities and intolerances to foods, such as dairy, eggs, corn, and wheat (gluten).
The effects can be felt systemwide, producing such symptoms as fatigue, muscle aches, and brain “fog.” Here are great tips to combat Candida with diet and botanicals. This is one of Dr. Carolyn Dean’s remedies you can do at home. Remember the fact most the yeast overgrowth is very chronic and required a set of solid supplement protocols for 6 weeks to kill unwanted overgrowth.
Even though you do not consume a drop of alcohol, YEAST is the one craving for “sugar” and “yeasty food” to grow, thriving in the gut to take over from your brain to the tip of the toenail. I call it “auto-brewery syndrome“. Remember, yeast grows in a high in sugar, high in yeast, nicely moistened environment. Bread, pasta, pizza, baked goods, ketchup, store-bought salad dressing and BBQ sauces, fruits juice, yogurt, kombucha (mango flavor), green smoothie & cold brew green and jasmine tea (watch sugar content!) and believe it or not whole wheat bread is one of the highest sugar content (high glycemic index) than many of foods.
You do not want to have your gut become auto-brewery for sure but many people have and taking multiple synthetic powerful medications to subside symptoms like ADHD, anxiety, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight gain, skin rash, chronic sinusitis, irritability, UTI, ringing in the ear, restless sleep and more….. they all knock down the healthy bacterias and mucosal lining in your gut.
Your doctor is doing their job by sending you to the specialist to be evaluated, get colonoscopy & endoscopy combo done, and very often they could not find anything but your symptoms is still there. They will give you medications to subside the symptoms but if they are not treating the root cause, these medications will make your symptoms worse in the long term. I have seen the case like this over and over again.
The great article was written by Dr. Jill Carnahan M.D. about Candida – “How Auto-Brewery Syndrome can make you “accidentally Drunk”? Please take a look at the list. Aren’t those symptoms you are experiencing lately?
Take a look at these pictures. She is 9 years old came to see me for ADHD, low immune system and recently suffering from a recurring ear infection and cold this winter. She was given already 6 rounds of antibiotics by her pediatrician at Boston Children Hospital but her cold and ear infection keep coming back. What do you think about her problem is? Yes, Yeast overgrowth in her mouth, very likely came up from her G.I. and manifesting upstream (fire rise only upward not going downward) in her ear and the brain. I gave her antimicrobial herbal formula as the throat spray along with supplements to soothe G.I. track and calm her mind. In Oriental Medicine’s term, this is Yin Deficiency, Fire Rising Syndrome. Her diet plays a big role. Her mom now knows what to cook for her and what not to giving to her. It will be wise to seek an experienced and well-trained functional medicine practitioner to work with. She or he should not be located near you! Most of the FM practitioners are able to accommodate distance patients as I do.
#1. Lactobacillus Reuteri – is my favorite probiotic to kill Candida, yeast, and fungus overgrowth taken along with Monolaurin pellets. This is my step #1 basic remedy for mild yeast/fungus overgrowth. Klare Lab and Seeking for Health brand are both great.
#2. Aloe Vela, either gel or capsule forms, will soothe the inflamed mucosal lining. I use the Global Healing Center’s Aloe Vela in my clinic.
#3. Olive Leaf, either liquid or capsule form, is very effective for yeast cleanse.
#4. Oregano Oil is also very effective to kill yeast. Take the one you can take on a daily basis. Most of them come in capsule form. Biotech Research’s Oregano Oil tablet called ADP is very effective if you do not mind the strong smell. I prefer to use the Design for Health brand.
D-Mannose is good for many yeast-related remedies but especially for UTI. Order online Bulk Supplement or Pure D-Mannose powder. It tastes sweet like sugar water. You have no problem drinking it. Order the powder and keep it on the medicine counter when you “immediately” need it. If you had UTI, you understand what “immediate needs” means!
The quick checkup you can do w/o spending much follows:
- Check the surface of your tongue. Do you see white to yellow thick coating? You see it is thick or thin by using a tongue scraper. This is the easy and quick way to see yeast overgrowth, accumulation of dampness is the diagnosis in oriental medicine. You surely have some to a lot of yeast overgrowth. Here is the tongue scraper I recommend you to do before going to bed and the very first in the morning even before you drinking water. Yeast and bacteria accumulate and appear on the surface of the tongue after closing the month for a prolonged time. The more yeast and bacteria you have, the thicker and yellowish slimy things come out by using your tongue scraper.
- Is your toenail is changed the color and texture? If you find one or two yellow, brown-colored toenails with brittle edges, you certainly have the yeast infection.
- This is fun testing. You need a clear glass container filled with room temperature water. You need to spit a few times and see how your saliva changes its form. If your saliva started to grow legs, you have some yeast. If you see your saliva “sink” to the bottom, you definitely have yeast and it is in you for a prolonged time. Remember the fact most of the yeast overgrowth is very chronic and required a set of solid supplement protocol for 6 weeks to kill unwanted overgrowth. I call it “auto-brewery syndrome”. Even though you do not consume a drop of alcohol, not you but YEAST is the one craving for “sugar” and “yeasty food” to grow, thrive take over from your brain to the tip of the toenail. All starting in your gut. You do not want to have your gut to become auto-brewery for sure but many people have and taking multiple synthetic powerful medications to subside symptoms like ADHD, anxiety, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight gain, skin rash, chronic sinusitis, irritability, UTI, ringing in the ear, restless sleep and more…..
Candida Questionnaire:
- Yeast Connection’s Candida Questionnaire and Score Sheet and Charts
- Body Ecology’s Candida Questionnaire
- Wild Rose College’s Candida Questionnaire
- If you would like to test just yeast, there is a urine yeast test from various labs available at your functional practitioner’s office or you may ask your family physician to see if they offer the test for yeast culture.
- I recommend the Organic Acid Test from Genova Lab, US BioTek Lab, or Great Plain Lab. These functional lab tests will be able to detect what kinds of yeast/fungus/bacteria are growing and which body parts are affecting by analyzing urine metabolites. It is the amazing technology I use frequently for patients I suspect yeast, fungus, or bacterias went to brain passed the blood-brain barrier. Once we detect the cause, I have a clear plan for how to fix the problem with the best treatment protocol. Can you imagine your child was diagnosed as ADHD but the root cause was yeast overgrowth? It happens to many of my patients who brought their young children to my clinic.
The following articles are great information about preventing recurring UTI.
- My Blog about UTI
- Lactobacillus-Reuteri (#1 strain of probiotics you need to look for)
- Two major kinds of UTI – Infection of the bladder and infection of the urethra
- 23 Clinically Proven UTI Home Remedies
- Natural Guide to UTI-Free Living
- UTI Antibiotics Alert – The Unknown Dangers
- UTI-Free Habits
- The reason I like to use Saccharomyces Boulardii
- Body Ecology’s article about how to prevent UTI (unsweetened cranberry juice)
UTI caused by hormonal imbalances:
You got the symptoms of UTI and if you are the age 45 above female -> pre-menopause – menopause – post-menopause, your UTI is caused by hormonal imbalances “decreation of estrogen”. The immediate fix is D-Mannose and others I posted on My Blog about UTI and you may order E3 (Estriol) cream online to apply topically which helps the vaginal dryness as well due to the aging (Yikes!). I am NOT a big fan of taking antibiotics, especially Cipro, to treat the recurrent UTI. Any Fluoroquinolone Medicine has a major side effect. Watch Dr. Perlmutter (Neurologist in FL) talking about the dangers of Fluoroquinolones (2 min. video) and this website goes much deeper into Flurozuinolones drugs. Please read –
Remedies (summary):
- D-Mannose Powder Try this brand. 1 tsp x 3 / day with 4 oz of water w/ w/o foods. If you have the acute flair up, it works pretty quickly.
- SunCran by Tomorrow’s Nutrition. This is a pretty new product packed with non-sugar added organic cranberry juice.
- UTI Synergy from Design for Health contains bearberry and Hibiscus extract work well for UTI. 2 capsules, 3-4 times per day if you are having chronic problems.
- Fem Dophilus from Jarrow is probiotics contain Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GR-1 and Reuteri RC-14 both work well for UTI. It contains titanium dioxide so that I would not use that for long term use.
- Saccharomyces Bourlardii. This is the one to keep in your medicine cabinet used for UTI, stomach bugs, and food poisoning. I like to use Seeking Health, Design for Health, Pure Encapsulation brand.
- Notasan Suppositories from SanPharma. If you are able to find online, it might be the great suppositories to be used right away. One pack contains 10 suppositories.
Click HERE to read articles about Candida, Fungus, Yeast, Bacterial Overgrowth.
Click HERE for Lab Testing Information