The following cocktail of herbal extract (I use MediHerb from Australia) boost energy, cut down sugar, carb, salt cravings, sleep deeply, and lose weights in the midsection as the result.
Berberine – the yellow color of Turmeric, Golden Seal, Oregon Grapes
Amino Acids supplement contains Glycine, Ornithin, Arginine, and Lysine as well as high dosage (6,000 mg) of L-Glutamine
Think about start taking Magnesium and B-complex supplement. Feel free to email me if you do not know which one to get.
Poor absorption and utilization of nutrients --> decreased energy production on a cellular level --> slow down metabolism --> gain weight no matter how much you exercise
I recommend you to do hair analysis test done. I use Analytical Research Labs. I explain the test result, work with my patients and do retest in a couple of months.