About Vitamin D Deficiency

We all know eating dark leafy green vegetables like Kale is healthy but do you know the fact your body is not able to absorb calcium from healthy dark leafy green vegetables if you are deficient in vitamin D? That leads to the fact your body is not able to repair the teeth, joints, and bones. You need this fat-soluble vitamin along with vitamin A, E, K, and Omega 3 fish oil which I found most of my patients are very low. I was actually very low as well one point because I was like you, trusted my doctor. My PCP never tested those markers at my physical. Every year, I was told “you are in a perfect health. You must have a good gene” Well, I was very low in vitamin D, A, E, K and Omega 3 Fatty Acid level. All of them.

But things might have changed the last few years. At least you may ask your PCP to get your vitamin D level tested. If your PCP does not think it is not necessary because you do not have any health issues, it might be time to search for another doctor. I had had more than a few patients reported me their PCP think it was not necessary. We live in Boston where 6 months out of a year is WINTER!!! Why simple $32- vitamin D testing is not necessary? It is ridiculous.

I had 42 years old women came to see me for infertility issue. She had already done 4 IVF. She has seen one of the best doctors at one of the best hospital in MA. One big discovery I found on her first visit was the single digit vitamin D level. Due to her age, I immediately boosted her vitamin D intake to 5,000 IU with K. She got pregnant in 3 months and had a great pregnancy ended up easy natural birth.

Too much is not good but find your level, take the proper vitamin D with K. Vitamin K escorts vitamin D into the cells and taking Magnesium when you are taking vitamin D will increase the absorption level. The important point here!!!

  • The infographic for Vitamin Deficiency and their article by Foster Family Chiropractic Clinic.
  • Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s Disease – David Perlmutter MD
  • Vitamin D – it is actually NOT a vitamin, it is an “Immune-Regulating” hormone. The newest data is 40-50 ng/ml is the sweet spot to keep your immune system up and running. I would like my patient (we have 6 months of winter time here in New England) to be in the 50-70 range. My recommendation is 5,000 units of vitamins D3 comes with K1+k2 to increase the absorption level of vitamin D. Some form comes with 10,000 you can take every other day. There are capsules and liquid form. It is your choice. Both work well
  • Vitamin D is essential for immune system function. If your Vitamin D3 is listed as “(Cholecalciferol)”, it is synthetically made. Choose whole foods based on vitamins.
  • Vitamin D levels tend to be the lowest in the winter months, Take D3 (not D2) 2000 IU/day during the flu season. The darker skinned people (like me), you need to take more.
  • If you have Vitamin D marker 31 and your doctor said to you ” You are doing good. You are in the range”, do NOT listen to your doctor. You are the LOWER end of the range which means you DO need vitamin D level up and running. Please read this article!
  • We need to maintain 25(OH)D level at 50 ng/ml or higher year round. Have your level get tested by your doctor or purchase this kit to get tested by yourself.
  • Vitamin D supplements come in tablets, sublingual (not go to the liver),  capsules and liquid form in tincture bottle.
  • Take Vitamin D + Fish Oil (3,000 mg of EPA and DHA) to boost immunity. Especially during the flu season.
  • When do you take vitamin D with food, without food, once a day, once a week large dose?
  • The design of Health vitamin D+K1+K2 (my favorite in the clinic).
  • Thorne Research Vitamin D + K2 liquid
  • Another Blog Post about Vitamin D (with K1+K2)
  • Vitamin D Deficiency and symptoms (Peter Osborne)