I am still in Kobe city writing this article. There is the major shortage of antibiotics this winter these days in Japan. Since I am not able to get the right Quercetin, I had to ask my husband to ship to me. This article about Quercetin came in the right timing. I particularly like the […]

One of my patients found this company ” Tap Score ” test your drinking water is mold/fungus free or not and this is the article about How to test for mold in water + water mold facts. This lab ” Immuno Lytics ” will send you petri dish to test which room (s) mold is […]
I have been using and recommending using arrow root flours for a decade. I mostly use as the alternative to corn starch. The perfect alternative for GF people like me! Try it. Here’s its benefits of using arrowroot.
This is a great article about when you or your family members take blood pressure medication and suddenly developed the symptoms like dizziness (see the chart in this article), what you should do! Please read. It is very common than you think.
Get Shio Koji (salt – rice malt) (another Shio Koji) the extra probiotic but not from the capsules but from liquid form of salt made by fermented rice which is the source of sake. Now you can purchase these items on Amazon. How convenient!!! You can marinate with meat and fish, adding to the salad […]
You may consider purchasing walnuts before heading to CVS to pick up your prescription? I often use AMLA (herbs from India which is very high vitamin C content known to lowering LDL and Triglyceride level) but you may add a handful of walnuts to your diet?
If you gain some weights over the last 12 months, you are not alone. It is very hard not to be optimistic and eat well but weight gain is not going to help you to combat the virus and any illnesses. Be strong and try to boost your immunity this winter as much as you […]
If you are having difficulty falling asleep, try this remedy. Put one or two eye drops for dry eyes when you finish your day and are ready to go to bed. Heat up the eye mask for 15 seconds, put a sheet of tissue over your eyes, and put on the heated eye mask. Taking […]
The cold season in 2021 is approaching. Dr. Jockers DC wrote very resourceful chart comparing all four illness and the strategies to boost your immune system. Please take a look. I think this is the great article to bookmark. This article might also helpful to understand what “inflammation” is.
This simple exercise is showing the medically positive outcomes (this is just one example) in many studies lately. Simple HIIT exercise #1: 10 squat + rest 10 seconds x 6 sets #2: Assume you are in the first floor, go downstairs and go upstairs and back to the first floor – 1 set, take […]