Dry eyes and eye mask for insomina

If you are having difficulty falling asleep, try this remedy.

Put one or two eye drops for dry eyes when you finish your day and are ready to go to bed. Heat up the eye mask for 15 seconds, put a sheet of tissue over your eyes, and put on the heated eye mask. Taking liquid melatonin with a B6 (calm down the nervous system) combo (3 mg of melatonin) will be helpful as well. If you are peri to post-menopausal women (women the age over 45), progesterone cream apply on both wrists will be an extra plus. Another important point is you should not be too full (stomach) to go to bed. Your digestive system needs to work hard while you are sleeping but rather, take magnesium powder with proper and probiotics will be helpful for your GI system while you are sleeping and your sleep will be deeper. It may be worth trying. I posted the eye drops and eye mask on thi s page.