Green Smoothie with Kale and Spinach – too much is not t​he good thing…

Joint Pain, Kidney Stones, Gout, Frozen Shoulder, Hypo and Hyper- Thyroidism, Vulvodynia, Cystic Fibrosis, Sarcoidosis, Asthma, COPD, and even Autism are caused by the increase the amount of the chemical substance in the produce calls “Oxalates” and heavy metal calls “Thallium” which is abundant in the organic soil and Kale is known for “sucking up” this heavy metal in the soil. How do I know it is the truth? Because I started having joint pain and noticed my hair and eyelashes started thinning. My husband said it could be from menopause. I thought so but I went ahead to get organic acid (urine metabolite) and heavy metal tested. Then I was puzzled by the two lab test came back (H) Oxalate and (H) Thallium. It took me a while to figure out but it all started the CSA at the local organic farm in the summertime. I was eating too many cruciferous vegetables, especially KALE… Please read these articles about it.

  1. Dangers of Green Smoothies – can contain toxic levels of certain compounds)
  2. Vegetable Detective – A molecular biologist is finding what could be dangerous levels of heavy metals in plants like kale, often called the “queen” of the vegetable kingdom.
  3. Thallium Toxicity – Wendy Myers
  4. Sorry, Foodies: We are about to ruin Kale – Mother Jones
  5. The Green Drink Conundrum: Potential Thallium Exposure and Neurological Risks – Doctor’s Data Lab