Protein Powder Tips

Protein powder is super easy and one of the best protein rich breakfast-to-go for busy people. Please read the labels on the box before you purchase your powder. So many protein powder my patients bring to show me what they are taking makes me want to cry!

Protein powder containing the following Amino Acids (G.O.A.L.) will be greatly beneficial: Glycine, Ornithin, Arginine, Lysine. I would also suggest adding  L-Glutamine for mucosa membrane support on digestive tract – it will help all the way from the esophagus to the… bottom! If you are purchasing protein powder, make sure the product you will purchase contains these amino acid in order to enhance your metabolism all day long – yes, all day long! That’s why you are taking protein powder shake in the morning, not in the evening.

I recommend either pea protein (with chia or brown rice; both are fine) or whey (from grass-fed cows) protein powder if you do not have dairy intolerance. I also highly recommend you to mix your protein powder with a resistant starch, like green banana flour (to avoid having blood sugar roller coaster ride all day long) and collagen powder (to avoid having leaky gut – mucosal lining protection and strengthen bones, joints, tendons and ligaments). You will see a big difference in a week or two. Adding one tsp of ceylon cinnamon will stabilize the blood sugar which is a great benefit for “wired/tired” people!