TH1 (organ specific autoimmune) and TH2 (systemic autoimmune) Dominance

The Roles of TH1 and TH2 on Autoimmune Disease – Johann de Chickera ND Things to take/do if you are TH1 Dominant / TH2 Dominant – Johann de Chickera ND Correcting TH1 Dominance (food and supplement choices) – Johann de Chickera ND Correcting TH2 Dominance (food and supplement choices) – Johann de Chickera ND What is the […]

Are you taking your daughter to get HPV vaccine because her pediatrician suggested? Think Twice!

Please read the following articles and think about it. This vaccine was banned in my country, Japan among others. Journal retracts paper claiming neurological damage from HPV vaccine (Japan) 05/11/2018 Why Japan’s HPV vaccine rates dropped from 70% to near zero? (Japan) 12/01/2017 The New Gardasil: Is it right for your daughter? – Kelly Brogan, […]

Folic Acid and Folate is not the same. Avoid taking Folic Acid especially if you are trying to get pregnant.

Dr. Joseph Marcola states “Obviously, you need to get enough folate, but I’m going to make a very bold request of you… It may take you by surprise, as it is likely to be the opposite of the conventional medical advice. However, you’ll soon see I have the very good reason – and scientific proof […]

High drug costs making American to cut back on groceries, delay retirement and take on a second job!

This consumer report article made me think that the soaring drug cost is making “pill-popping Americans” very uncomfortable. There is the time we absolutely necessary need the medications for but chronic anxiety, depression, acid reflux, migraine headache – do we really need to get the prescription month after month? Please take a look at this […]

For your eye health

As simple as it is, you may grow the flower called Nasturtiums during the spring and summer season, enjoy seeing the colorful flower and eat it for your eye health. Nature is amazing, isn’t it? This flower is very high in Lutein. Yes, you can get as the supplement form but why not enjoy eating […]

Top 6 Home Remedy for Allergy

Try the herbs called “Butterbur” Take probiotics high on Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium Longum and Lactobacillus Reuteri Take Black Cumin Seed Oil 1-2 tsp 2-3 x per day if the allergy is bad, and 1 -2 tsp per day for maintenance during the allergy season Boost up your Vitamin D level (make sure you take with […]