Blood Sugar (Glucose) 24/7 Continuous Monitoring System

The problem of the fasting glucose marker when you go to see your doctor for a physical check-up is not showing how much your blood glucose jumps UP and how soon back down to the normal range. There is a device to monitor your blood sugar 24/7 without pricking your fingertips. You are told your blood glucose is “in the range” even though it is the highest end of the normal range means you are fine today and the next day your marker is 2 points up, you are all of the sudden diagnosed as “diabetes”. It seems there is nothing between pre-diabetes, insulin resistance Functional Medicine name the ranges.


-> Please see the chart on this page!

If your blood sugar is in a prediabetic range, you may simply ask your primary care physician

to send the prescription for you. If you are just above 100 and would like to know what’s

triggering your blood sugar surge, you can purchase these items for 2 weeks to monitor

your blood sugar surge after eating certain foods and your mood, energy level after 90 minutes

to 120 minutes. The chances are your blood sugar spike up rapidly and “the problem is” quickly

going to downfall. I call the all-day-long “rollercoaster” ride of your blood sugar is the root cause of all kinds of health issues includes fatigue, anxiety, depression, food cravings, lack of focus, insomnia,

ache and pain, and more.

Here are the some of Continuous Blood Sugar (Glucose) Monitoring System in the market today.

FreeStyle Libre



Gurdian Connect