Resistant Starch (RE) is a miracle food! eating RE foods (like the “Shirataki” Noodles I wrote a blog about) make you feel very satisfied. Sometimes it tastes sweet, but it will NOT raise blood sugar – great news for many of insulin-resistant / pre-diabetes people, or those who would like either lose weight or simply maintain their […]
Category Archives: vitamins & supplements

It all started with what my GI system reject after drinking all different kinds of protein powder. Here’s Dr. Justin explains (10 min. video) well the benefits of Collagen Based Protein Powder. I carry Apex Energetics Collagen Based Protein Powder (berry and chocolate flavors) in my clinic. So far, nobody complains but receive all great […]
Tamie’s Energizing Smoothie It contains FULL OF FIBER, GOOD FAT and the just right amount of PROTEIN to get going w/o having a blood sugar crash (means not having a strong desire to have a cup of coffee and chocolate), and be able to keep your immune system up and running. I make a Ball Pint […]
Castor Oil Pack is so easy, inexpensive detox, immune-boosting therapy you can easily perform at home in bed or while you are watching TV. Please take a look at the following sites to find the multiple benefits it offers. Where can I buy / which one do you recommend? Dr. Marisol ND’s Castor Oil and […]
Do you know the signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency? Fatigue, muscle weakness, stomach pain etc… so common symptoms you might be ignoring. Potassium is required 5 times more than sodium intake which most of Americans eat a lot from high sodium diet – for example a piece of whole wheat bread is loaded with […]
Consider taking Nattokinase, Pychnogenol, Horsechestnuts, and Buchur’s Broom as supplements. Here’s links: Nattokinase article 1 Nattokinase article 2 Nattokinase article 3 Nattokinase article 4 Pychnogenol article 1 Pychnogenol article 2
We are not eating these Trace Mineral from food!: Eye, hair, nail, mouth, and skin symptoms are among the early warning signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Check this website for the list of symptoms. Selenium deficiency and signs – strong link to hypothyroidism T4 –> T3 conversion and habitual miscarriage Selenium supplement recommendation – chose “selenomethionine” or organic food based selenium. Thorne […]
We all know eating dark leafy green vegetables like Kale is healthy but do you know the fact your body is not able to absorb calcium from healthy dark leafy green vegetables if you are deficient in vitamin D? That leads to the fact your body is not able to repair the teeth, joints, and […]
OPC (Oligomeric Proantho-Ocyanidins) family —> Pine Bark (Pycnogenol), Grape Seed, Red Wine(Resveratrol), Bilberry and Citrus Bioflavonoids extract. These five antioxidants work together synergistically. Some antioxidants can regenerate other antioxidants. This is the nice snow ball effect. OPC has significant health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, anti-spasmodic, anti-coagulant actions and more. Pycnogenol is the king of OPC […]
B12 deficiency has been severely underplayed in health care and largely ignored in favor of more recognized and more expensive-to-treat diagnoses. This has resulted in both substandard care and malpractice, costing millions of individuals their health and wasting billions of health care dollars. The B12 deficiency epidemic is frustrating because well-educated health care providers overlook […]