Salad Alternatives

12/17/2019. This article caught my eyes “Lettuce Alternatives” written by Susie Cohen to avoid exposure to E.Coli or Shiga Toxin bacterial overgrowth which makes you very sick. We, Bostonians, are getting into the cold winter months. Why don’t you forget eating salad or lettuce with the sandwich but rather, roast, sautee the various vegetables? Especially if you are going to get pregnant, eating salad will not help you. In oriental medicine, salad belongs to the “cold” category. You need to “warm” the uterus and GI system. Not cooling down. It is ok for the hot summer month but not now in December when everybody overeats with sugary, high carbohydrate foods. Go easy on spinach in case you are not able to tolerate high oxalate food. Spinach IS. Cabbages, broccoli, cauliflowers, carrots, onions, garlic, and ginger. So many vegetables to pick from.