Metabolic Syndrome! Your body is inflamed. That’s what it is.
Is “Abdominal Weight Gain” related to “Blood sugar and Insulin Resistance,” even my doctor said my test is normal? Please check the chart just below. The time your PCP will prescribe you the medication like Metformin, you already have a blow-up type 2 diabetes. You could have prevented easily 15 years back. Do you think “very wise” to take good care of yourself WHEN you start having symptoms like creeping weight gain in the abdominal area, intense sweet & simple carbohydrate cravings, or extreme sleepiness after eating the meal contains simple carbohydrates even though your blood glucose shows in the range? In the range means 99 is in the range even though 100 is out of the range. I have seen the patients in insulin resistance state to syndrome X all the time. Every once a while their blood glucose shows high but not always. My patients are told their blood tests are normal. I currently have 315 lb and 285 lb female patients showing her fasting glucose is 92 and 98 within the normal range. Are they having any signs and symptoms of insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes? 10,000%!
If you are male having the big belly like 6 months pregnant, think about it. Something is wrong metabolically. Please read this article first.
If you are female age over 45 started to gain weight around the abdomen, it might be caused by the excessive simple carbohydrate intake and/or it might due to the hormonal changes approaching means the sudden decline of estrogen (E2), progesterone, DHEA (not DHA), melatonin, cortisol, Testosterone and possibly thyroid hormone Free T3 is not fully metabolized which is nothing to do with the Thyroid blood test marker called “TSH” your PCP or the endocrinologist run. I used to belong to this category and my former PCP used to shake her head saying “why your blood sugar is high again? Nobody eats like you do, Tamie. You are so disciplined”. I know what it is now. See… most of the conventional doctor includes mine do not know it is closely related to hormonal changes. I wish I knew when I was going thru the drama when I was 44-46 years old. You see the female cases have more variables to sort it out than male cases. There are the test and the treatment for that.
The great article about Blood Sugar and Health: More than Diabetes
This is the great “Continuous Blood Sugar Monitoring Device”. You do not poke your fingertips any longer.
- Abbots – FreeStyle Libre and the short video (1) and video (2) to watch.
- There is the start up company called Levels Health will be available online soon. They have many great blog articles. Please keep reading.
How’s your sleep pattern? You can sleep within 10 minutes? Are you able to sleep w/o waking up at night? You are not tired when you wake up in the morning? If your answer is no to one of the questions, please read “Sleep Health: Solving Insomnia“. (written by Wholistic Matters)
Connection between Cholesterol and Weight Gain and Sugar Imbalance Issues – Dr. Jockers
How’s your blood sugar level? Take this test to see where you are at.
Please visit Tamie’s favorite articles about
- Low Carb Diet for Beginners
- Ketogenic Diet for Beginners
- Blood Sugar, Diabetes, & Insulin Article Page (A lot of information!)
- When Normal Blood Sugar Isn’t Normal (part 1)
- When Normal Blood Sugar Isn’t Normal (part 2)
Watch this video to find out which type of weight gain you are having – Thyroid, Adrenal, Estrogen etc.? – Dr. Eric Berg D.C.
- Diabetes – caused by H.Pylori BBacterial Overgrowth? (Study)
- Resistant Starch Blog
- How to take a blood sugar test using a glucometer Tutorial (video) by Alan Christianson
- Overcoming Sugar Addiction
- Blood Code (by Dr. Richard Maurer) P. 39
- Why Should Everyone Know Their LDL Particle Number?
- What Causes Elevated LDL Particle Number?
Keeping a healthy weight is crucial. If you are underweight, overweight, or obese, you may have a higher risk of certain health problems. About two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese which got worse and worse since 1990. Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and some cancers.
Please visit HERE for Weight Control and Ketogenic Diet Articles!!!!!
Weight Control Tips Healthy Food Ideas Teas Extracts
Weight Control Tips (Especially gaining weight around the belly) – Are you ready to go thru the long list? Here it is!
- Pick one supplement for decreasing belly fat, please read this short article.
- Instead of using Chia Seeds, you may use edible Basil Seeds to make a pudding for breakfast, lunch, or eat as dinner. Basil seeds (sabja seeds) are known to bring down glucose to get jump high. Pour non-dairy milk leave it for a few hours in the fridge. You may add berries and nuts. It is delicious and good for you! I used to buy a lot when I go to Japan but it seems Amazon in the U.S. started carrying this item. Check it out.
- Having a good night’s sleep is crucial if you would like to lose weight. The stress hormone called cortisol should be very low in the evening and another hormone called melatonin is rising at the time. A lot of people who are physically tired but mentally wired not able to bring the cortisol down which leads to weight gain or I should say cannot lose weight even you go to the gym for 1 hour every day and eat very healthy no bread, no pasta paleo diet. Try to develop sleep hygiene for 30 min. before going to bed. Take a bath, dim the light, read a book, put a drop of lavender oil on your wrist, turn the ocean sound music on, put your iPhone to the airplane mode, etc… just to make your bed for having a good night sleep. Something very simple but many people neglect it.
- Ask your doctor or find the practitioner test your “fasting insulin” level along with fasting glucose you get tested every year along with A1c. This is the great book to understand what it is and this marker is incredibly important but almost always not tested. HOMA-IR calculation = Insulin x Glucose / 405. The optimal range is under 1.0. Above 1.9 indicates early insulin resistance. Above 2.9 indicates significant insulin resistance. I found many of my patients come in with high to normal fasting glucose markers but found out they are literally early to significant insulin resistance. Another site to look at this book content is HERE.
- Ask your doctor for FT3 (Free T3) Thyroid level if you are experiencing fatigue, cold hand and feet, dry skin, and no matter what you can not lose weight either you are taking Synthroid or levothyroxine or not (these two medications are T4 ONLY. NOT contains T3 you need) and get TPO antibody tested as well. I have seen normal TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone = this is an anterior pituitary hormone not thyroid hormone by the way) but her/his TPO is elevated. Your doctor will not test you unless you ask for it. If your FT3 is the low end of the normal range, it is very likely your RT3 (Reverse T3) is high means your liver is not working well to metabolize the energy. Imagine there are two cars driving from the location A to B. One car with great FT3 is like having a great ride vs another car is driving but put the break on so often whatever the reasons. This is the car with Low Free T3. This is called Euthyroid. We need to stop live in 24 hours daily rhythm. If your daily rhythm is out of balance for the prolonged time, then chances are you started to gain some weight around the waistline and you can not get rid of it no matter how you restrict your food intake and go to the gym every single day. I treat these patients with Adrenal & Thyroid (Free T3 controls body’s metabolism. A lot of people have a PROBLEM here!!!) treatment protocol to balance hormones and blood sugar level with acupuncture, supplement (if OK with my patients) and diet/lifestyle changes. Stabilizing your 24-hour circadian rhythm = healthy cortisol and melatonin production level = you can keep your healthy weight.
- If you are using artificial sweeteners, think twice. Please read this blog.
- Avoid the food contain xeno-estrogen. This is the big one. Please visit the site here and check the #20 – Xeno Estrogen section for more details.
- This new Keto-Diet book looks great for you to read – Ketotarian Diet – written by Dr. Will Cole (09/2018)
- Avoid milk, yogurt, kefir contain “carrageenan” which is the chemical used as a thickener banned in the European Union and Japan many years ago but I still see the common products at the supermarket. I guarantee you will gain weight if you are eating or drinking on a regular basis because this is the toxic chemical.
- Drink 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar (with 4 oz of water) before each meal.
- If you are male, think about doing Intermittent Fasting for a week or two! For women, if you are not fatigued at any time of the day, you may go for it.
- Take CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) 1 gram capsule x 3/day into your regimen.
- Take MCT oil with morning shake. Start with 1 tsp and bring up to 1 tbsp in the morning.
- Have a protein-rich (20-25g) breakfast with MCT oil! It will stabilize your blood sugar level nice and smooth all day long. If you are eating the standard American breakfast, your blood sugar will be up and down roller coaster all day long which is the worst thing you can do if you are going to lose weight!
- Eat Shirataki Noodles instead of pasta.
- Add 1/4 of avocado in your meal. The article about “avocados support healthy weight management” – Biotics Research
- Add Resistant Starch on your diet!!! Start with protein-rich breakfast – My first choice is hypoallergenic hydrolyzed collagen protein powder. #2 is hemp or pea, #3 is whey or egg white protein powder with 1-2 tbsp of “resistant starch” (green banana, plantain or potato starch flour). 2 Eggs with breakfast sausage will be so much better than a piece of toast or a bagel with cream cheese for sure. Protein-based breakfast vs Carbohydrate-based breakfast will make a HUGE difference in the world on the daily blood sugar rhythm.
- Work with the functional medicine practitioner who understands how to treat adrenal fatigue, gut dysfunction, mineral & nutrition imbalance
- Eat soup or salad for lunch – make sure your salad contains some protein
and fat and avoid sweet and creamy salad dressing
- Eat carbohydrate-rich dinner – get complex carbohydrates from various vegetables, some starchy vegetables, and occasional quinoa and rice.
- Do you know which one is pro-inflammatory FAT and which ones are anti-inflammatory FAT? Bad ones are most of the vegetable oil includes canola oil and margarine and shortenings. Good FAT (anti-inflammatory FAT is coconuts oil, MCT oil, olive oil, macadamia nuts oil, avocado oil. Add good FAT to each meal – grass-fed butter, and macadamia nuts oil for example (high smoke point -> suitable for cooking), olive oil (for dressing), avocado, nuts, and seeds. Remember, eat smart FAT to lose your belly FAT!!!!!!!
- Avoid using all vegetable oil, margarine, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) contained foods. They will inflame you from the core (cellular level) once you digest
- Avoid eating gluten and dairy contained foods – Gluten is hidden everywhere !!!!!
- Think about doing intermittent fasting if you do not have thyroid or adrenal fatigue
- Reading material recommendations -> Adrenal Reset Diet written by Alan Christianson, NMD
- This is the scale I recommend– show your weight, water, muscle, fat %, and bone weight. I think it worths $50- by Amazon.
- Learn how to do “Mindful Eating”. Here are articles on how to do it and its benefits. Get out of Auto Pilot, Mastering Mindful Meal (B&W Hospital), Mindful Eating Psychology Today Article
- This is a free 1-hour seminar “The Body type” on YouTube by Eric Berg D.C. and his book “The 7 Principle of Fat Burning“.
- Amino Acids supplement contains Glycine, Ornithine, Arginine, and Lysine
- Remember 5 plant-based protein-rich foods – Garbanzo beans, avocado, quinoa, greens, peas, and lentils.
- Here are 61 easy ways to lose weight article
- Adrenal Stress & Weight Gain around the belly – are they related? (Marcelle Pick NP)
Please check “HealthyLiving” page(scroll down) metabolism, B-vitamin, and Iodine section.
Healthy Food Ideas
It’s important to start the day with protein! This can come in the form of eggs, greek yogurt, kefir, or even a protein shake as your breakfast. Wait for 2 hours to eat any carbohydrates (banana, apples, etc…) – this will help stabilize blood sugar, and keep your energy up.
- Make a tasty low calorie but very filling smoothie with banana, frozen berries, mango, a couple ice cubes and organic protein powder+ fiber powder (SP)
- If you would like to lose weight but in a healthy way, you may start drinking Tamie’s Smoothie in the morning or the mid-morning if you are not hungry. I can not guarantee but many of my patients not only lose weights but keep the fat loss. Here’s my recipe.
- Small curd, fat-free cottage cheese “Pineapple flavored” with chopped apple (1 apple) – surprisingly tasty and satisfying.
- Omelet with hummus and avocado
- Cooked Quinoa + blueberries + coconut/almond milk + flax seeds/chia seeds + 3 drops of NuNatural Stevia for sweetness (Tamie’s Tip: If you eat a bowl of cereal or oatmeal, sprinkle with slivered almonds for an additional boost of protein!)
Tamie’s Quick Tips
- Chia Seeds – Add chia seeds into your diet – salad, oatmeal, cereal, yogurt, juice, etc – 1 oz of chia seeds contains 5 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber.
- Black Beans – Black beans are a great protein source. It goes with low carb tortillas, Ezekiel bread, brown rice and any greens and reds and yellows (sweet potatoes).
- Hot/Spicy foods – Meals containing capsaicin (hot sauce, cayenne pepper) raises appetite-suppressing hormones and reduces hunger-causing hormones
- Boost Your Metabolism – Add salsa, tomatoes, peppers, pecans, cinnamon, and ginger to your diet.
- Curb Sugar Cravings – Gymnema Sylvestre might work + A couple of drops of NuNatural Stevia (works for me!)
With our busy lives, lunch can be a difficult meal to find time for, but it’s so important! Salads and soups can be a quick, filling and healthy lunch! And for a treat, eat out one day a week! Try my favorite place, Masao’s Kitchen, which offers one of the kinds macrobiotic foods (Moody Street in Waltham).
- Salad Tip #1 — add a can of black beans! Beans are very filling and are a great food for boosting your energy. (Tamie’s Tip: Spicy black beans will raise appetite-suppressing hormones and reduce hunger-causing hormone!)
- Salad Tip #2 — add avocado!
- Try a low-carb wrap with alfalfa + avocado + hummus – not so hard to make!
- Soup with root vegetables, cabbages, beans, lentils etc… and separated into one serving sized container-glass preferred. It is easy to reheat when you are “really” hungry.
- Organic yogurt (not greek creamy yogurt) – small sized one is nice and handy if you have access to the refrigerator.
- A stick of cheese (soy base preferred) to ease the hunger
- Chip craving – you can eat lower calorie chips
- Organic celery stick dip into Almond Butter (I like Barney’s Almond Butter.)
- Juicing – is the big time winner! For more info, check out the “Juicing” page.
- Herbal Tea at Virtuous Teas in Newton MA. My favorite is Honeybush and Vanilla Rooibos Tea.
- A cup of tea for weight control #1-Chickweed Tea (more info)
- A cup of tea for weight control #2-Pu-Erh Tea (strawberry pu-erh)
- Tea choice for weight control #3-Mate Tea (this tea is also good for underactive thyroidism)
- Tea choice for weight control #4-Jasmine Tea, Oolong Tea, Jasmine & Green Tea from Stassen (this tea has very pleasant jasmine aroma-comes with tea bags)
- Herbal Tea at Virtuous Teas in Newton MA. My favorite is Honeybush and Vanilla Rooibos Tea.
Helpful Extracts
- Green Coffee Bean Extract + Raspberry Ketones capsule ( Oz show video clip). * Watch for coffee bean scam
- Saffron Extract called “Satiereal” for emotional eating and depression
- Take Omega 3 Fish oil – Leptin & Ghrelin and weight Raspberry Extract (supplement) for weight control loss article
- Do you suffer from anxiety, insomnia, constant anger? Try L-Theanine, passionflower or valerian roots. They all come in powder, capsules or tinctures.
This is one of my favorite tests to interpret because this is like the blueprint of your body system your normal blood test will not find. The top later is showing macronutrient, fats, carbohydrates, and protein. If one of the pathways (I have seen a lot of people have carbohydrates pathways is broken= translation: glucose is not getting into the cells) is broken, the nutrients are not going to the Stage II, I call the “wheel”, which means how could you possibly create ATP (energy) even you take a lot of CoQ10? Again, many of my patients show carbohydrates and fats pathways are broken showing by a high b-hydroxybutyrate marker and high ethyl malonate level instead. Once we fix that problem, at least nutrients you are getting every day will go to the wheel to be able to get to the stage III.
Very unlikely our PCP or specialists (M.D.) will do this test and be able to translate this chart but N.D. or D.C. will. Going to see the local practitioner will be the best if you started to feel just not right, fatigue easily, irritable, not able to sleep well even though mentally physically very tired. I suspect your sugar consumption (decrease!) and fats consumption (eat more avocados, nuts, grass-fed butter, use coconuts oil!) and take high-quality B-complex supplements (one with breakfast and one with lunchtime), Magnesium, Iron, and Carnitine will be the good start. My point is taking Co-Q10 once a day will not fix your chronic health issues.
Carnitine is not well-known supplement like Omega3 or Glucosamine but the absolute necessity to make fat to be absorbed into the body. This is the relatively inexpensive supplement to take with the meal. Please talk to your practitioner about it.